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【7月14日】The String Method for the Study of Rare Event

发布日期:2015-07-13点击: 发布人:统数院


报告题目: The String Method for the Study of Rare Event
报告摘要: The dynamics of complex systems is often driven by rare but important events. Well known examples include nucleation events during phase transitions, conformational changes of macromolecules, and dislocation dynamics in crystalline solids etc. The main objects of interest in these problems are the transition mechanism and transition rate. In this talk, I will present mathematical theory and numerical methods (the string method) for the study of such rare event. The string method finds the minimum energy path - the most likely transition path in the small-noise limit - by evolving a curve in the path space by the steepest descent dynamics. I also show how the string method can be used to search saddle points (i.e. transition states) around a given minimum on potential or free energy surfaces.
个人简介:任维清老师系新加坡国立大学副教授,他于2002年在美国纽约大学Courant 研究所获得博士学位。关于任维清老师的详细介绍,请访问他的个人主页:http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/~matrw/ 。
