


[1] Duan Y, Yang M, Huang L, Chin T*, Fiano F, de Nuccio E, Zhou L. Unveiling the impacts of explicit vs. tacit knowledge hiding on innovation quality: The moderating role of knowledge flow within a firm[J]. Journal of Business Research. 2022, 139: 1489-1500.

[2] Duan Y, Yang M, Liu W, Mu C, Liu Y*, Cillo V, Pascucci F. Work stressors and emotional intelligence on bootlegging innovation: Explorative evidence of value creation from the China context[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2024: 1-13.

[3] Duan Y, Yang M, Liu H, Chin T*. How does digital transformation affect innovation in knowledge-intensive business services firms? The moderating effect of R&D collaboration portfolio[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management. 2023, ahead-of-print.

[4] Duan Y, Liu W, Wang S*, Yang M*, Mu C. Innovation ambidexterity and knowledge redundancy: The moderating effects of transactional leadership[J]. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022, 13.

[5] Zhao T, Yang M*, Cao Z, Wang X*. Understanding the Joint Impacts of Cognitive, Social, and Geographic Proximities on the Performance of Innovation Collaboration Between Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and the Manufacturing Industry: Empirical Evidence from China[J]. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022, 13.

[6] Chin T, Wang W, Yang M, Duan Y*, Chen Y. The moderating effect of managerial discretion on blockchain technology and the firms’ innovation quality: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms[J]. International Journal of Production Economics. 2021, 240: 108219.

[7] Duan Y, Mu C, Yang M, Deng Z, Chin T*, Zhou L, Fang Q. Study on early warnings of strategic risk during the process of firms' sustainable innovation based on an optimized genetic BP neural networks model: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms[J]. International Journal of Production Economics. 2021, 242: 108293.

[8] Zhao T, Wan G, Yang M, Duan Y*. Do KIBS facilitate innovation in manufacturing firms in China? Evidence on production-based linkages[J]. International Journal of Technology Management. 2021, 87(2-4): 339-383.

[9] Duan Y, Liu H, Yang M, Chin T*, Peng L, Russo G, Dezi L. The moderating effect of corporate environmental responsibility on relational capital and green innovation: evidence from a knowledge-driven context[J]. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 2023, 24(4): 1002-1024.

[10] Duan Y, Chen Y, Liu S, Wong C*, Yang M, Mu C. The moderating effect of leadership empowerment on relational capital and firms' innovation performance in the entrepreneurial ecosystem: Evidence from China[J]. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 2021, 24(1): 306-336.

[11] Duan Y, Deng Z, Liu H, Yang M, Liu M, Wang X*. Exploring the mediating effect of managerial ability on knowledge diversity and innovation performance in reverse cross-border M&As: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing corporations[J]. International Journal of Production Economics. 2022, 247: 108434.

[12] 参与撰写《关于加快建设面向南亚东南亚科技创新中心的报告》,获得云南省省长及分管副省长批示。

[13] 参与撰写《关于提升我省园区管委会服务效能的报告》,获得云南省省长及分管副省长批示。


[1] 云南省教育厅科学研究基金研究生项目,数字赋能云南高原特色农业创新质量的提升路径研究,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,组织忘却与高技术企业创新质量提升研究:跨界搜索和知识整合的效应,在研,参与

[3] 云南省应用基础研究重点项目,组织记忆与云南省高新技术企业创新质量提升研究:技术搜寻和吸收能力的效应,在研,参与

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