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    发布日期:2021-07-13点击: 发布人:海外学院

    Kebinakgabo Tapiwa Barona(中文名赵柔娜)是一名来自博茨瓦纳国土资源管理部的处级官员,她于2019年9月来到bob投注官方下载,就读于商务部发展中国家硕士学历学位项目。两年的在华学习让她收获颇丰、感受深刻,2021年7月8日,在bob投注官方下载海外学院举行的毕业典礼上,赵柔娜作为2019级优秀学员代表致辞,表达了对中国、对学校的深情厚谊。



    在校期间,赵柔娜曾结合自己的经历,深入浅出地表达了对中国抗疫举措的看法并从专业的角度进行了分析,其撰写的文章《China's urban planning made life easier during epidemic》(中文译名《城市规划助益疫情中的中国民生保障》)充分肯定了中国在城市规划和基础设施建设方面的科学性,并对中国政府在危机应对方面的能力和成效表达了赞许。该文于2020年4月16日被中国日报网英文版“观点”栏目全文刊登。




    First and foremost I would like to recognize those who made this important day possible.Special thanks to our -families, -our governments, -the government of China, -MOFCOM our sponsor, -YUFE, the facility, school of Overseas, -our Dean, -our program coordinator, -our teachers, -and staff.

    The decision to choose a suitable place to study and stay can be a daunting process, because of important factors to consider. Usually the three main factors would be: firstly, the quality of the education; Secondly, the living environment and culture. China truly offers the best: both living, learning experience and culture are friendly to foreigners.  

    YUFE is indeed an international university making dreams come true for promising students like myself and fellow international students. This is why the decision to choose China has been most fulfilling. And, thanks to China for choosing us.

    It feels like yesterday when we received the good news about the scholarship. It feels like yesterday when we boarded the flight to China and waved our families goodbyes. Yes, it feels like yesterday when we started our first class, and introduced to our teachers.

    I remember the first class, we were so eager. We met as classmates from different countries. We all became friends, studied together and shared meals together. As classmates we embraced each other’s cultures and background.

    What a great time to have studied in China, witnessing the historical events that occurred; like winning of the battle against Covid-19. We will miss the upcoming Olympics 2022, all the Best! I must say, there is a strong bond that has been created connecting us to China, wherever we go in the world.

    It’s been almost two years since we started our masters. We are an exceptional group with so much success. we have flourished in so many school activities including the published articles at national and provincial level, victory of the football  game, participating in other sporting activities, social and cultural activities.

    For all of us the Final year was the toughest, shifting to online learning, it required our full commitment and hard-work. The teachers offered us unlimited support and guidance. Indeed, this demonstrated that with great team work and dedication, anything is possible.

    For this entire journey, it was made possible by our outstanding teachers who against all odds made sure we get the best education. It is from their selflessness act and professionalism that we are equipped with the skills and knowledge to deliver on project management. Not only that, they took good care of us.

    Truth be said, not only did we benefit academically, studying here has taught us more; it has instilled in us the character of resilience, trust, togetherness sharpening our character. China’s YUFE allowed us to develop an international perspective. And most importantly understand the best of China, the colorful Yunnan-Kunming and our amazing school.

    YUFE created a platform for us to interact and appreciate each other’s diversity cultures and lifestyles. Indeed, YUFE does deliver on its promises, and for that we have so much trust in the school and China as whole.

    For us graduates we are deeply honored to becoming part of YUFE family, and making us ambassadors of China. This is a life changing milestone in our lives. China feels like the second home.

    President Xi for China’s vision of "a bright shared Future" is most desirable for the world. Now that we have an international view. The aspirations to realize the shared vision for humankind, now dwells in us as individuals in our own unique ways.

    Let’s aspire to be positive change markers. We are a step in the right direction to contribute towards our countries’  developments and the improvement of our people’s livelihoods.

    We have made friendships and unforgettable memories to hold dearly in our hearts.

    Farewell, farewell dear teachers, we will never forget you. Our hearts are filled with sorrow, because we are leaving you. But the beauty of our relationship is the deepest and will remain forever.

    And to us fellow students, we made it!

    Congratulations to class of 2019



















